The Facts About Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is one of nature’s uncommon wonders. It’s a specialty salt with unique properties that improves driving and pedestrian safety, suppresses dust from the air we breathe, and enhances the performance of products and processes that contribute to the supply of energy, food, and other essentials of life.
OxyChem’s calcium chloride is refined from natural brines found in sandstone formations beneath the earth in a non-synthetic process, avoiding the need for reactions with chemicals used in other CaCl2 manufacturing processes.
The Magic of Moisture and Heat
Calcium chloride has three unique and highly effective performance properties:
- Hygroscopic – attracts moisture from its surroundings.
- Deliquescent – absorbs enough moisture to convert to liquid brine from solid form.
- Exothermic – releases heat when its solid form is dissolved in water.
Calcium chloride is an exceptional ice melter because it quickly and easily dissolves into a brine solution, while releasing heat to speed up the ice melting process. It is also a highly effective dust suppressant and stabilizing agent in unpaved roads since it attracts water from the air binding gravel particles together.