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Managing Impact

When properly handled and applied, calcium chloride does not pose a significant risk to health and safety. See the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or labels of individual products for more information.

Managing Impact - Use Responsibly - OxyChem Calcium Chloride

All chloride-based products (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, etc.) have similar potential to accelerate corrosion. If metal is to be used in spreading equipment, consult the Calcium Chloride Handbook for information on appropriate materials of construction. 

When applying calcium chloride, avoid direct application to bare metal. Thoroughly wash vehicles and application equipment after use.

Deicing Tips

Implement strategies to limit the amount of deicing chemicals used by:

  • matching deicer application rates to temperature conditions
  • reducing accumulation of snow and ice on roadways through the use of snow fences or other measures
  • predicting when to apply deicers
  • improving the application of deicers with better distribution systems
  • maximizing the effectiveness of deicers through prewetting
  • allowing deicers sufficient time to work before plowing and reapplication

Deicing Tips

Ensure asphalt and concrete surfaces are at least one year old and were designed, constructed, and adequately cured for winter weather conditions and deicer usage before applying deicer. Deicers should not be used on precast steps, masonry, or existing concrete that has exposed aggregate, is precast, prestressed, chipped, cracked, spalled, or weathered. 

Concrete that is air-entrained, mixed, placed, and cured according to the recommendations of the American Concrete Institute Committee 201 is resistant to scaling damage. Calcium chloride will not chemically attack asphalt or concrete; however, the re-freezing of absorbed melt water may cause weak, porous surfaces to spall or scale. 

Learn more about deicers and concrete impact and proper application rates.

Deicing Tips

Limit exposure to pets as much as possible by 1) storing deicers out of reach, 2) using proper (minimal) application rates necessary to melt ice and snow, and 3) taking additional precautionary measures (i.e., have dogs wear paw booties when outside).

Pets exposed to chloride-based deicers may experience mild reactions depending on the type and amount of exposure. 

Learn more about deicers and pets, proper storage of deicers, and proper application rates.

Dust Control Tips

Limit exposure to pets during or shortly after application. Short term exposure to paws is essentially nonirritating; however, pets with more sensitive skin may see some skin irritation.

Deicing Tips

Similar to fertilizer, any chloride-based deicer should not be over-applied as it could result in damage. Do not apply directly to grassy areas or vegetation. 

Under typical application conditions, calcium chloride pellets are less damaging to existing turf than almost all other deicers and yield better re-seeding germination rates the following Fall.

In a 1996 study, “The Effects of Deicing Chemicals on Turfgrass”,1 the Horticulture Department of Iowa State University compared the effects of urea/calcium chloride blends, potassium chloride, urea, rock salt, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, and calcium chloride pellets on Kentucky bluegrass. After a winter season of deicer application, the study showed that calcium chloride pellets were generally less damaging to existing turf than almost all the other deicers and yielded better re-seeding germination rates the following Fall. Only a blend of urea and calcium chloride fared better – and urea alone did worse.

Learn more about deicers and environmental impact and proper application rates.

Dust Control Tips

Overexposure to chlorides can injure trees and other foliage. However, under typical application conditions, calcium chloride will not damage grass or vegetation adjacent to a road where deicer has been applied. On four projects studied by the USDA Forest Service, samples taken from trees close to treated roads showed some increase in chloride levels but not in an amount posing a long-term threat to vegetation, and photos of the trees taken over a period of two years revealed no discernable difference in the trees.2

Learn more about proper dust control application rates.

1The Effects of Deicing Chemicals on Turfgrass, D. Minner and B. Bingaman, Iowa State University, 1996.

2Surface-Aggregate Stabilization with Chloride Materials, USDA Forest Service, S. Monlux and M.R. Mitchell, December 2006.

Calcium chloride is classified as "practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms.”1 In fact, the calcium component of the material is a natural component of nearly all natural waters. In excessive amounts, chloride salts can be harmful, but impacts to ground and surface waters can be limited with proper application rates and procedures.

Deicing Tips

No deicer can claim to be completely harmless to the environment. The effect of deicer runoff on surface water and groundwater has been the focus of a great deal of research by government agencies and academics. The table below shows that all of the commonly employed deicers have environmental drawbacks.2

Generalized Potential Environmental Impairment Related to Common Snow and Ice Control Chemicals

Environmental Impact

Road Salt (NaCl)

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)

Acetates (CMA & KA)

Organic Biomass Products


Water Quality / Aquatic Life

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, metal contaminants; ferrocyanide additives

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, heavy metal contamination

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, heavy metal contamination

High; organic content leading to oxygen demand

High; organic matter leading to oxygen demand; nutrient enrichment by phosphorous and nitrogen; heavy metals

High; turbidity; increased sedimentation


Moderate/High: sodium accumulation breaks down soil structure and decreases permeability and soil stability; potential for metals mobilization

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Low: probably little or no effect; limited information available

Low: probably little or no effect

Generalized Potential Environmental Impairment Related to Common Snow and Ice Control Chemicals
Water Quality / Aquatic Life

Road Salt (NaCl)

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, metal contaminants; ferrocyanide additives

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, heavy metal contamination

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)

Moderate: excessive chloride loading, heavy metal contamination

Acetates (CMA & KA)

High; organic content leading to oxygen demand

Organic Biomass Products

High; organic matter leading to oxygen demand; nutrient enrichment by phosphorous and nitrogen; heavy metals


High; turbidity; increased sedimentation


Road Salt (NaCl)

Moderate/High: sodium accumulation breaks down soil structure and decreases permeability and soil stability; potential for metals mobilization

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Acetates (CMA & KA)

Low/Moderate: improves soil structure; increases permeability; potential for metals mobilization

Organic Biomass Products

Low: probably little or no effect; limited information available


Low: probably little or no effect


Limit the amount of ice melter used to help protect the natural environment from excessive chlorides introduced. When weighed against the need to maintain sidewalks, steps, entryways, driveways, and parking lots in safe condition, many researchers and government agencies emphasize the importance of using smaller quantities of deicers and to increase the efficiency of mechanical ice removal. 

Learn more about deicers and environmental impact and proper application rates.

Dust Control Tips

There is no significant impact to waters adjacent to dust control applications when proper application rates and procedures are used. A study undertaken by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service measured chloride levels in the Tucannon River in western Washington before and after calcium chloride was applied on the adjacent Tucannon River Road and found there was no significant change in calcium or chloride levels in the river.3

1Safety Data Sheet: LIQUIDOW® Technical Grade Calcium Chloride Solution, Section 12. Ecological Information, 29-Nov-2021.

2NCHRP Report 577: Guidelines for the Selection of Snow and Ice Control Materials to Mitigate Environmental Impacts. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2007.

3Surface-Aggregate Stabilization with Chloride Materials, USDA Forest Service, S. Monlux and M.R. Mitchell, December 2006.