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Deicing Application Rate Guidance

Deicing Application Rate Guidance - OxyChem Calcium Chloride


  1. Enter the length and width of the area to deice.
  2. Click the calculate button and scroll down for results.

Recommended application rate = 14 - 28 pounds per 1,000 square feet (2-4 ounces per square yard). Based on melting a thin sheet of ice at 20° F in 30 minutes. Optimum application rate is dependent on specific conditions, such as temperature, ice thickness, etc.

  Feet Meters
Area (square feet/meters) 0 0

Recommended Application Range

To avoid over-application, always begin with the minimum amount of ice melter recommended and use a spreader to equally distribute product. Click here for spreader calibration information.

  Pounds Kilograms
Minimum 0 0
Maximum 0 0

The data and calculations in use above are presented in good faith based upon present day technology and information provided, but no expressed or implied warranty is intended or given. OxyChem assumes no liability for any use of this calculator nor any results obtained from the use of OxyChem products based thereon.