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Obtain Product - OxyChem Calcium Chloride

For immediate access to calcium chloride, please utilize our Distributor Locator Tool as we typically direct all product inquiries to our authorized distributors.


All questions below must be completely answered before OxyChem will respond.


For immediate access to calcium chloride, please utilize our Distributor Locator Tool as we typically direct all product inquiries to our authorized distributors.


All questions below must be completely answered before OxyChem will respond.


Would product be shipped domestically or exported?

We have a limited inventory of products that are available for export based on destination country compliance (SDS and labeling).
Any export orders must be for a minimum of a Full Container Load (20 MT).


We have a limited inventory of products that are available for export based on destination country compliance (SDS and labeling).
Any export orders must be for a minimum of a Full Container Load (20 MT).


Which product(s)?



For what application(s)?

OxyChem advises against using our calcium chloride in drinking water applications due to the impurity of bromide. Bromide can react with oxidizers used for water sterilization, resulting in the formation of bromate. Many countries have strict limits on bromate levels in drinking water, which may not be met if our calcium chloride is used and sterilized with oxidizing chemicals like ozone.


OxyChem advises against using our calcium chloride in drinking water applications due to the impurity of bromide. Bromide can react with oxidizers used for water sterilization, resulting in the formation of bromate. Many countries have strict limits on bromate levels in drinking water, which may not be met if our calcium chloride is used and sterilized with oxidizing chemicals like ozone.




Are you currently buying calcium chloride?


Tell us about you and your company:



Tell us about you and your company:


What is the final destination where product will be shipped? Same as address above?